Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Worn a Good Snake Lately?

For weeks Daughter had been pushing to attend the Reptile Man show at the library (did you know libraries hosted things like Reptile Man shows?). Come the Day Of and suddenly she's not so excited about it: paraphrasing, "What if I don't want to touch a snake and people think I'm chicken?" Kudos for being able to articulate the issue, but perhaps we have some work to do on self-actualization. Anyway, she stayed away and it become a Father-Son event, and this guy does quite a good show! Highly recommended if you get a chance. He calls on lots of people from the audience, and toward the end Son was putting his hand up and got to wear this snake (which alas I don't know the type of). He was grinning ear to ear as he sat down.

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