Tuesday, August 2, 2011

County Fair, Part 2

As promised, here's part 2 --- the games and rides. I selected some of the more "expressive" faces from my pictures, from which you might conclude that Daughter was having a miserable time and Son was having the time of his life. I think Daughter had a lot of fun too, but she does wear her worried expression a lot! We made no effort to guide their selection of rides, and you can see the significant difference in choice; but both seemed to really enjoy themselves. With one exception: on the last ride of the day, Daughter, riding by herself, had to share a car with a (somewhat older) male, and was so clearly unhappy with this arrangement that it almost broke my heart to watch her. I very much hope she remembers the fun parts of the day instead of this. We had one snafu when we separated for rides, and each waited for the other group to come over! The kids were amazingly good as we waited for a long long time in the heat until we finally managed to regroup. As for the games, a pox on their house: I'm used to carnival games being rigged so they rarely have to pay off, but at $5 a go it borders on criminal in my opinion. Thankfully we set kids' expectations that we would only be playing a small number of games. The rides were similarly extortionate, but we got some comp tickets by participating in the library's summer reading program --- you should have seen Daughter pulling out all the stops to fill out her book list!

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