weeks and weeks. One week 'til showtime, we had a bit of a scare when she said she didn't want to go on --- we'd read a library book about how
some kids work through stage fright, and I think she thought she'd try it on for size.

dancing and music. He particularly liked the tumbling! He's really enjoyed watching Sister's class practice, and I think he would like to try it out himself.

Nope. Must have been 70 kids performing in two dozen numbers, in as well-appointed a theater as I've ever worked! It was impressive.
S. had fun, I. had fun, Nai-nai and Daddy enjoyed the show. Mommy got a terrific bruise around the eye working backstage ... S., coming offstage: "Mommy, why are you laughing? You're hurt!"
Daddy: "Are you going to do backstage next time?" Mommy (long pause, thinking about 3 hours with 30 kids late in the evening on rehersal night): "You never know!"
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