Friday, June 13, 2008

Dancin' in the USA

S. tries on her costume for the upcoming dance recital. Excited doesn't begin to describe it! She's been talking about it for
weeks and weeks. One week 'til showtime, we had a bit of a scare when she said she didn't want to go on --- we'd read a library book about how
some kids work through stage fright, and I think she thought she'd try it on for size.

Her big number! Clearly, she decided to go through with it. (Okay, I'm cheating, this is the final rehersal, where I was sitting much closer to stage.) After the rehersal, she said excitedly "Mommy, I wasn't even stage fright!"

Nai-nai and Brother enjoying the extravaganza. Isaac had a blast: he loved the way the curtain opened and closed, and all the
dancing and music. He particularly liked the tumbling! He's really enjoyed watching Sister's class practice, and I think he would like to try it out himself.

When I first heard that her class was doing a performance, I thought "ok, a dozen 5-year-olds in a caffeteria or some such."
Nope. Must have been 70 kids performing in two dozen numbers, in as well-appointed a theater as I've ever worked! It was impressive.

S. had fun, I. had fun, Nai-nai and Daddy enjoyed the show. Mommy got a terrific bruise around the eye working backstage ... S., coming offstage: "Mommy, why are you laughing? You're hurt!"

Daddy: "Are you going to do backstage next time?" Mommy (long pause, thinking about 3 hours with 30 kids late in the evening on rehersal night): "You never know!"
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