Monday, March 21, 2011

Cat Missing, Found Again

We have a cat, a fun and patient black-and-white. We got her from Bonnie Hays Animal Shelter the day after we moved in January last year, and we've been keeping her an indoor cat for her health and safety. She doesn't agree with us on this point, and tries to sneak out at every opportunity. She's succeeded a few times, once for a few hours. That time, I found her a couple houses over walking along without a care in the world.

Yesterday she got out again. As before, the back door was closed but it didn't latch. When we noticed the door ajar, we turned the house upside down to make sure she wasn't inside, then walked around outside calling her name to no avail.  At bedtime, Daughter was very worried but did settle down to sleep. Feeling guilty because I'd been the last to use the door, I stayed up late in case she came back, but eventually had to go to bed.

I woke up about 3:15 for no reason that I'm aware of. I slipped out of bed, crept downstairs, and opened the front door "just in case". To my astonishment, there was Cat! She immediately walked in past me. She was trying for nonchalance but I wasn't deceived, she was relieved to be back inside.

I need to be more careful with that door!

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