Here, we see Isaac fascinated by an off-screen goat. Sadly, the goats were having the day off, so no goat petting was to be had at this location. In the background are Heike, Sarah and Karen, who joined us at the zoo along with Tom, Dirk as well as Kyra, Karla and Ray (whew --- I'm starting to feel like I'm doing an Acadamy Award acceptance speech). We had a very nice and exhausting day with five kids to herd. Isaac enjoyed the zoo, and after initial trepidation regarding the volume of the steam whistle on the train, he enjoyed that too --- which is a good thing, 'cause Sydney and Kyra aren't likely to miss a train ride next time at the zoo. I collected a crashing great thump on the head, but I don't suppose it's worth sueing the zoo train for having such low eves.

In this pic, Sydney is showing off her latest acquisition: a really spiffy yellow file box! This has been one of the most successful "toys" for a long time, holding her interest well into the second day --- and counting! She got the idea from school, where each kid has a folder in a file somewhat like this. She's using it for drawings and stickers so far, and is pretty serious about getting it all correct. She helped pick it out at Bi-Mart.
Isaac has exquisite taste in hats.
And a file box for Sydney! I *knew* I liked her! Even if she's sort of abandoned the whole llama idea...for now.
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