(I'm sure I'll use that title again, if I haven't already)
Part one: Sydney and I were talking about the date, and she said "okay, so Monday was the oneth, that makes today ...". I replied with the more grammatical "no, I think Tuesday was the first". She picked it up right away and replied with "no, Monday was
the first!" I'm going to miss "oneth".
Part two: Sydney has been better about this, but she used to want to keep every scrap of paper and cardboard and string that came into her world. Yesterday or today she's set aside a box for "her trash", and already filled a couple plastic bags with trash for me to take down, and talked about taking stuff out to the trash can by herself.
Part three: This has been brewing for a few days, but yesterday Sydney finally declared that she was done with the high chair, and wanted to start using a grown-up chair. Also, she's using a "real" plate in preference to her Princess plate!
We'll have to see how long these latest ideas last.