They're napping now, so I have a brief peaceful moment to do a quick post.

Here's Sydney making the most of the White Christmas by catching snowflakes on her tongue, while Nai-Nai and Isaac look on in disbelief in the background.

The whole (local) family assembled around the Christmas Lasagna (we're also celebrating Isaac's return to more solid food).

Isaac really liked the stringed instruments: Sydney got this small guitar, and Daddy finally unwrapped the Ukelele he got from work last Christmas. Here, Evan gives him an early lesson (not his first, I think Dave got that honor).

Sydney enjoying her girly Christmas presents, here a nice makeup kit. A smile like this goes a long way! Megan and Bug are troopers to help her play like this. Isaac is fascinated, as usual.
It continues to play the White Christmas role to the hilt: it's been snowing steadily (though not hard) all day long. We've added perhaps another two inches today (it's Thursday middday).
Happy Holidays from Elk Mountain!